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value or children(required) a number.
srLabel(optional) Will add a visually hidden label to give screen reader users the missing context to understand easier what the number represents.
locale(optional) Use a 2 Letter Language Codes or an extended code such as nb-NO. Use auto to detect the locale from the browser (navigator.language). Defaults to the Norwegian locale: nb-NO.
compact(optional) Shortens any number or currency including an abbreviation. You can combine compact with currency. It gives you zero decimal by default decimals={0}. Use either short or long. Defaults to short if true is given.
clean(optional) if set to true a dirty string will be parsed to to extract the number (prefix -123.45 suffix would result in e.g. kr -123,45).
currency(optional) Currency code (ISO 4217) or true to use the default NOK. Uses two decimals by default.
currency_display(optional) Use either empty/false to hide the sign/name or use code (NOK), name (kroner) , symbol (kr) or narrowSymbol (for a shorter symbol variant). Defaults to narrowSymbol when the locale is no else we default to code.
currency_position(optional) Use either before or after to change/define the position of the currency. Defaults to auto (Browser API defaults, but with an exception, if the locale is nb-NO or no, use after as the default position).
ban(optional)Bank Account Number: use true to use the default Norwegian style (2000 12 34567) formatting.
nin(optional)National Identification Number: use true to use the default Norwegian style (180892 12345) formatting.
org(optional)Organization Number: use true to use the default Norwegian style (123 456 789) formatting. Screen readers get digit by digit.
percent(optional)Percentage: use true to enable percent formatting.
phone(optional) use true to use the default Norwegian style (22 22 22 22) of phone number formatting, regulated by the Norwegian authority. More info by Sprakradet as well.
decimals(optional) set a number to define the number of decimals. Like decimals="0" will ensure that decimals are simply not shown. The default decimals for currency usage are 2 (Browser API default).
omit_rounding(optional) if set to true, the decimal will NOT be rounded. Normally, by using toFixed or by using maximumFractionDigits, decimals get rounded.
prefix(optional) add a string or React component before the number, including white space.
suffix(optional) appends a string or React component after the number, including white space.
selectall(optional) use false to disable the auto select all on the first click. Defaults to true.
always_selectall(optional) use true to always auto select all on the first click. Defaults to false.
copy_selection(optional) use false to disable the auto copy feature. Defaults to true.
clean_copy_value(optional) if set to true the copy&paste value will be provided without e.g. a currency sign or a percent sign. Defaults to false.
link(optional) use tel or sms to enable a clickable / touchable anchor link.
monospace(optional) Sets the font to DNB Mono Regular.
element(optional) define what HTML element should be used. Defaults to <span>.
options(optional) accepts all number.toLocaleString or Intl.NumberFormat options as an object - can also be a JSON given as the parameter e.g. options={{ 'minimumFractionDigits': 2 }}.
skeleton(optional) if set to true, an overlaying skeleton with animation will be shown.
tooltip(optional) Provide a string or a React Element to be shown as the tooltip content.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.


More info about translations can be found in the general localization and Eufemia Forms localization docs.

NumberFormat.not_availableIkke tilgjengeligNot available